How to get rid of facial acne

How to get rid of facial acne

One of the skin problems that cause discomfort to many people, especially women, is pimples on the skin. Many people believe that when they want to go to a party, pimples appear. People’s faces may break out at any time, for any number of reasons. Many times, people try to remove acne by pressing on their face, but this is wrong and causes the acne spot to remain on the skin and not disappear. Many people ask how to get rid of facial acne?

The answer to this question lies in many herbal medicines and special methods that people can use to get rid of their facial acne in the shortest possible time. Stay with us to learn how to get rid of acne on your face in the shortest possible time.

If you are wondering how to get rid of pimples on your face, you should first understand the reason for your pimples. As you know, acne is a skin growth that people have from the age of 10. If we want to say what a pimple is more simply, we will find that a pimple is a small gland of fat under the skin and it transfers the microbes under the layers of the skin to the surface. If you want to know that How Get rid of pimples and don’t keep looking for the answer to the question of how to get rid of pimples on the face, first you should find the reasons for pimples on your face because there are different treatments to get rid of pimples.

How to get rid of facial acne

1. Removing facial acne with ice

One of the ways to get rid of acne is to use ice. Of course, you should use this method before the pimple gets bigger, because ice helps to reduce the skin inflammation and destroys the sebaceous glands and causes the fat and germs inside the pimple to come out of the skin and leave no trace of the pimple. Not the face either.

To use ice, you must first clean the area around the boil and remove the fats; Then put the ice on your skin and wait a few minutes and do this several times during the day. Of course, don’t forget to use clean and germ-free ice so that the pimples on your face disappear in less time.

How to get rid of facial acne

2. Treatment of facial acne with honey at home

As you know, honey has many medicinal properties and can eliminate facial acne in the shortest possible time. Honey is one of the edible antiseptics and helps to eliminate acne germs, and as a result, acne heals faster.

To use honey, you must first wash your face with soap and water and remove the fats on the skin; Then take a sterile cotton and dip it in honey and apply it on your skin and wait 30 minutes.

In the next step, wash your face again with warm water and soap. It should be noted that if you want to get a good result from doing this, you should do this several times a day. It is suggested that if someone asks you how to get rid of facial acne, introduce the honey method to him.

The combination of honey and cinnamon to remove facial acne

Another way to improve acne with the help of honey is to make a cinnamon mask. Cinnamon is a rich source of antioxidants that can eliminate acne well. According to doctors’ research, antioxidant has a great effect on pimples and acne and can eliminate them in the shortest possible time. If someone asks you how to get rid of acne with honey, advise him to mix honey with cinnamon and use it on his face. In addition, the mixture of cinnamon and honey causes the pimple to disappear on the face and soon disappear.

How to get rid of facial acne

How to make and use honey and cinnamon mask

To prepare a cinnamon mask, pour two tablespoons of honey into a bowl; Then add a tablespoon of cinnamon to make a paste. Next, place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour until it hardens. In the last step, using cotton, apply the mixture to your pimples and wait 30 minutes and then wash your face with cold water.

How to get rid of facial acne

3. Removing facial acne with lemon juice

One of the most effective ways to get rid of acne and pimples is to use fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice acts as an extremely strong germicide and can kill all skin germs in the shortest possible time. If someone asks you how to get rid of pimples, suggest using lemon juice.

To get rid of pimples with the help of lemon juice, you should cut a fresh lemon in half and rub half of it with your palm on your face and wait for 15 minutes until the acne germs disappear. Of course, it should be noted that if lemon juice stays on the skin for too long, it may damage the skin. After you put the lemon juice on your face, try to shake less so that the effect stays on your skin longer and removes the acne sooner.

How to get rid of facial acne

4. Treatment of facial acne with toothpaste

Toothpaste is one of the best ways to improve facial acne. If you ask doctors how to get rid of facial acne, they will advise you to use toothpaste. With its cooling properties, toothpaste can eliminate facial acne in the shortest possible time and rid people of facial acne. To use toothpaste, you should apply some toothpaste on your face before going to bed at night and wait until morning.

After you wake up, wash your face and notice its positive effect. In addition, using toothpaste on the skin of the face is a form of prevention of possible pimples and does not allow the face to pimple again. In order for the effect of toothpaste on your skin to be greater, you should do this for a few days to notice its effect on your skin and enjoy your refreshed skin.

5. How to remove facial acne with incense

One of the most effective ways to get rid of facial acne is using hot water. This question arises for many people, how to get rid of facial acne with the help of hot water fumigation? Applying warm water to the skin of the face allows the skin pores to open and waste materials to be removed from the skin before it becomes a pimple. In addition to that, hot water fumigation has infinite benefits for improving the skin of the face and can be a very good way to prevent acne.

To use hot water fumigation, in order to eliminate facial acne, you should put a container on the gas stove and add 2 liters of water to it; Then wait until the water turns into steam and hold your face on the steam and wait for a while until your face sweats and the waste products are removed from the skin. Of course, you should keep your distance from the gas stove so that your skin does not get burned. In order to heal your facial acne, you should soak in hot water for 30 minutes a day to see your skin improve. It is suggested that if someone asks you how to get rid of acne on the face, be sure to suggest the hot water method.


Today, facial acne is one of the skin problems that cause discomfort to many people, especially women. To get rid of acne on your face, try not to use chemical methods and do not harm your skin and use herbal methods. Use the above items to get fresh and soft skin.

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